What is it?
Metro is studying bus stops in order to improve speed and reliability, while preserving accessibility. Over the decades, some routes have collected too many bus stops, and many are too close together. This slows down the trip for everyone. Bus stops are a bit of a balancing act, but done right, we can -
- Make sure bus stops are easy to use and in the right place
- Speed up bus trips by decreasing the number of times the bus stops
- Improve the waiting experience by adding shelters and benches
How it works
Quicker routes are great. The savings in travel time adds up, and you can get to your destination sooner.
Our team is looking at bus stops on a route by route basis. We’ll be studying:
- Ridership (how many people use each bus stop)
- Key destinations such as shopping centers, senior centers, apartment buildings, hospitals, and schools
- Transfer locations (intersecting bus routes or Metro Rail)
- Conditions and accessibility at each bus stop (eg benches, shelters, concrete pads, crosswalks)
Making bus stops better
With fewer stops, Metro can devote more resources per stop. We are committed to improving the whole passenger experience by investing in new shelters and benches across the system.
Metro plans to install thirty new shelters every year for the next five years, starting summer 2021.
How does balanced bus stop spacing improve bus service?
What to expect
Look for these signs at your bus stop.
Every bus stop on an affected route will have one of these three signs:
Proposed new bus stops will have a yellow sign.
Bus stops that may be eliminated will have a blue sign.
Bus stops that are not changing will have a green sign.
On a route by route basis, we will take the following steps:
- Based on our analysis and stakeholder engagement, NFTA-Metro will post physical signs on every bus stop along a route that will indicate if the bus stop is staying the same, moving, or being eliminated.
- A list of proposed changes will also be posted online, on this page (see below).
- Riders and stakeholders will have four weeks to comment on proposed changes for bus stops on that bus route.
- NFTA-Metro will make a final determination on propose changes for a given bus route.
- Signs will be updated in the field to reflect the final determination for two weeks.
- Bus stop changes will occur.
Routes in progress
There are currently no routes being evaluated for Bus Stop Balancing.
Stay in touch
Let us know what you think at . . .
Bus Stop Balancing
181 Ellicott St.
Buffalo, NY 14203
(716) 855-7211