Metro Rail Alerts


Effective: {{getDisplayEffectiveDate(item.CurrentDate, item.EffectiveDate) | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}

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Rail Rider Alerts

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Full aboveground rail service will resume on December 1. Inbound and outbound platforms will be operational.

Trains will single track aboveground every day starting at 8:30pm.

Please use temporary platform at Church Station.

Starting July 2024, Church Street Station will be under construction until late 2025. Please use temporary platforms to board the rail.

Click here and here for renderings of the new station design.

400 Block Construction – this major project will replace the rail, track bed, and catenary wiring between Church and Mohawk Streets. In addition, the project will include the installation of a new double crossover, which will make future service interruptions less disruptive to passengers. Metro will also be refurbishing Church Street station in the second phase of this project.

Thank you for your patience. We apologize for any inconvenience this construction may cause to our riders.

For more information on Metro Rail projects and enhancements, please visit the Rail Renewal page.